Monday 18 July 2016

When you are facing hard times in life and experiencing unbearable pain, don't just go through it but also Grow through it. Difficulties are part of life. Quit telling yourself you can't take it, you are not weak. You are well able. Eventually the pain will past. You will give birth to new strength,

Sunday 17 July 2016

Heyya! It's been so long. I hope people out there are enjoying their life as much as I do. Well, I'm home and its's been about one month now. As much as I'm enjoying this break, that much I don't want to leave home and go back to campus. I'm doing nothing useful on this break. Yet. I baked a chocolate mud cake and received compliments from my nephews and nieces. I did spaghetti bolognese and shrimp scampi. They turned out so good. I didn't work out and have gained elephant weight. That's all for now. Catch ya soon.

Saturday 27 February 2016

It is hard for me to say,
I'm jealous of the way,
You're happy without me. 
Unicorn is back. 

Hello everyone! It's been a long time! A very long time and I have so much to catch up! Now I'm here, back in my campus, just started my first week. Still with my friends, hana and gang which is super good. I wish we will stay forever! Things are just started to heat up. Still in the beginning of our fourth semester. I'm already counting days to go back. Can't wait to get on that bus with my good friends, Hana and Fina. You know the thrill when it comes to campus life. This is all for now! Keep your heads high, chest up, walk proud and live your life. Byee. 

Sunday 20 September 2015

Kids nowadays!

Swaggers@swag kids be like,
- New dp wil be upload tonight, comment to get owntage.
- Comment below if yew x sombonq
Who X Sombong Do Comment ( ♡) i Wana Check Out & I Wana Remove Te Overload Sombonq
- Do comment which one is your fav pixca of mine
- Spell Me as Meyh
- You as Yew
- Describe may be?
- Take selfies from all angles, edit, post them and ask people to comment below. 
Why? Look at your language please, don't kill it. Do some other better things. Byee.

p.s. The post above contains Malay and English language. Malay is a national language of Malaysia. 


David Beckham. He looks hot even he is 40 now. Yeah, people say life starts at 40. He looks sexy in every way, handsome man! Beard suits him, tattoo suits him, and even clean shave suits him. All time favourite. Hope to see him some day!